Recruitment Process Outsourcing Explained

Recruitment Outsource Processing Explained

When it comes to hiring exceptional talent for your business, Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a lucrative method of doing so. At Mackinnon & Partners, we utilise a carefully orchestrated RPO system to place top-quality candidates in your organisation.

We specialise in sourcing, screening and selecting best-fit candidates across various industries, including Renewable Energy, Manufacturing and Construction.

But how can Recruitment Process Outsourcing be defined? And what does the Mackinnon & Partners RPO service look like?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Explained

Put simply, Recruitment Process Outsourcing allows employers to hand over their entire hiring process to recruitment specialists. Your RPO partner will take on all parts of your recruitment process, assuming the ownership of the design and management of the recruitment process and the responsibility of the results.’

It’s designed and carefully overseen by RPO specialists to improve the efficiency and efficacy of your hiring processes. The aim is to provide your organisation with candidates of the highest quality to ensure the most lucrative outcome for all involved parties.

The beauty of RPO is that the service differs depending on your business needs. Let’s explore what the Mackinnon & Partners tailored RPO system looks like…

RPO with Mackinnon & Partners

With years of experience under our belt, we’ve been able to develop an incredibly effective and efficient Recruitment Process Outsourcing strategy based on the following:


Our expert team begins by sourcing top talent in your required area of expertise. We utilise our extensive network to pinpoint candidates who not only make a great match in terms of skill set but also in areas like values and company culture. Our aim here is to establish a high-quality talent pool to kickstart the recruitment process.


Part of our RPO service is to take on the roles that would usually cost you both time and money, screening being the most prevalent During this part of the process, we thoroughly review resumes and work history, as well as arrange and conduct interviews and providing feedback to both you and the candidates. This ensures ample time can be taken to thoroughly sort through the chosen candidates, sifting out only those that will be a perfect match for your organisation.



Once the sourcing and screening processes are complete, we’ll work closely with you on the final candidate selection. Once all parties are completely happy with the choice, we’ll work with you and the candidate to ensure a seamless onboarding process.

Utilise RPO Today

Recruitment Process Outsourcing is more than just a basic recruitment process. It’s a carefully tailored, streamlined tool that employers can utilise to select the best possible candidate for their role. It is both cost and time-efficient and gives employers access to specialist knowledge and expert advice throughout the entirety of the hiring process.

Here at Mackinnon & Partners, our Recruitment Process Outsourcing team is committed to supporting your organisation with its hiring process, from initial candidate sourcing all the way through to onboarding.

For more information, please get in touch with our team.

Jack Miller
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