What Kind of Jobs are There in Renewable Energy?

Renewable Energy means different things to different people – at its core, it simply means generating electricity from things that don’t run out, like the wind, or the sun.  Currently, the majority of electricity generation in the US is from non-renewable sources, like coal, gas and oil.  To produce electricity from, for example, a coal-fired […]

What Kind of Jobs are There in Renewable Energy?

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Renewable Energy means different things to different people – at its core, it simply means generating electricity from things that don’t run out, like the wind, or the sun.  Currently, the majority of electricity generation in the US is from non-renewable sources, like coal, gas and oil.  To produce electricity from, for example, a coal-fired […]

Is Renewable Energy a Good Career Choice?

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I guess the short answer to this question is “Yes!” – but that is just the opinion of this writer! For the long answer, let’s first look at what we think a good career choice should include. I think most people would agree that a good career choice should offer a number of different aspects […]

How Renewable Energy has Grown Over the Years

how renewable energy has grown over the years

Renewable energy is a source of energy that is here to stay, literally, it is renewable. We are going to review how renewable energy has grown over the years and take look into the future.

What is Hydroelectric Energy?

what is hydroelectric energy

Hydroelectric energy is one of the largest renewable energy sources in the United States and the world. So, what is hydroelectric energy?